Novel III ::: Peculiar (ANWC)



                Gwendolyn Watson is confused. She’s been surrounded by God, church, and Christian family her entire life and yet... something’s going wrong. Then, when her cousin, Whitney, turns up pregnant and seriously considers aborting the baby, everything Gwen thought she knew and believed starts to tremble, threatening to collapse around her. 

                Gwen and the rest of her family jump to the baby’s aid, in spite of the misgivings that swirl around them. Yet as the Watsons battle for the child’s well-being, Gwen is fighting a battle of her own. How could Whitney, a good, church-going girl, get so mixed up in the world? Even if they do manage to save the baby, will it make any difference in the child’s life, if she’s to grow up with her innocence stripped as soon she’s born? 

Gwen must pull away from the world, and come to grips with what living in the Light is all about. Does it mean anything to be set apart anymore, to live as a peculiar people? 
[more info on characters, writing status, etc., coming (maybe) soon(-ish)]